Improving Economic Resilience of Riyadh Batik MSMEs through Utilization of Digital Technology via Shopee Store Account Creation Workshop
Digital Technology, Shopee Store Account, MSMEsAbstract
Purpose: This research explores the impact of a Shopee store account creation workshop on the economic resilience of Riyadh Batik MSMEs, addressing challenges and opportunities in digital transformation.
Method: Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study combines qualitative observations and interviews with quantitative surveys to assess workshop outcomes and their implications for MSMEs.
Practical Applications: Findings inform stakeholders on empowering MSMEs through digital literacy, expanding market reach via online platforms like Shopee, and fostering sustainable growth in local communities.
Conclusion: The workshop offers a promising strategy for bolstering MSME resilience, highlighting the significance of digital skills development and infrastructure investment for long-term industry sustainability.
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