Manufacturing of Tools and User Assistance for Spice Grinding Machine for Setia SMEs


  • Demi Ramadian Politeknik ATI Padang
  • Addin Akbar Politeknik ATI Padang
  • Rizaldi Sardani Politeknik ATI Padang
  • Wahyu Fitrianda Mufti Politeknik ATI Padang
  • Suci Oktri Viarani Politeknik ATI Padang



Spice Grinder, Herbs, Seasoning


Purpose: This research project aims to address operational challenges faced by Setia SME, which specializes in spice sales. Specifically, we aim to design a spice-grinding machine to enhance processing efficiency.

Method: We conducted a comprehensive analysis of Setia SME's challenges and formulated a research design that included machine development. Data collection involved surveys, interviews, and on-site observations, analyzed for feasibility.

Practical Applications: The successful implementation of the spice grinding machine will boost Setia SME's operational efficiency by eliminating off-site grinding, reducing costs, and increasing production capacity. The technology may benefit other SMEs in the spice industry.

Conclusion: This research offers practical solutions to Setia SME's spice processing challenges, demonstrating the value of innovation and technology for SMEs in improving efficiency and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Ramadian, D., Akbar, A., Sardani, R., Mufti, W. F., & Viarani, S. O. (2023). Manufacturing of Tools and User Assistance for Spice Grinding Machine for Setia SMEs. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 4(2), 489–495.